State of patent applications as of Jan 2022
As of Jan 2022, we have filed 3 US utility applications, and 2 US design applications on various training chopsticks. The two design patents have been granted. The first utility application has been granted and issued. The second utility application has been allowed, and will be issued in Feb 2022. The third utility application has not yet been examined.
Chopstick Grips of TWICE Members
What chopstick grips do TWICE members use? Chaeyoung, Jihyo, Dahyun, Sana, Momo, Nayeon, Mina, Tsuyu, and Jeongyeon.
(clickable catalogs) 19 Common Chopstick Grips
19 common chopstick grips are illustrated in this clickable catalog. Go ahead. Click on any grip thumbnail to read about it in details.
YouTube episode on chopsticking from WorldFriends
Marco reviews an excellent episode on chopstick types and chopsticking, from the World Friends YouTube channel. in Chinese
The Chinese version of has launched: 馬可筷.org. Over time all English materials will become available in Chinese as well.
(posters) Ten thousand ways to use chopsticks
See the first twelve of ten thousand ways to use chopsticks illustrated in this pretty picture.
(posters) How to use chopsticks
Learn to use chopsticks from this pretty poster.
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Printing COVID-19 Face Shields
Printing Face Shields to aid COVID-19 frontline heroes. We printed 3dverkstran's head bands for Maker Response Hub mission #16.
Marcosticks website has been launched
The post marks the official launch of, an organization dedicated to bringing our vision of #utensilequality to fruition.