The Turncoat Grip
Turncoat Grip is the diametric opposite of Forsaken Pinky. It appears to hold chopsticks just like the Flexible Middle variant of Finger Pistol grip.
Here you’ll find the most comprehensive family tree of different ways to hold marcosticks, classified by their relatedness to the Standard Grip.
Turncoat Grip is the diametric opposite of Forsaken Pinky. It appears to hold chopsticks just like the Flexible Middle variant of Finger Pistol grip.
Finger Pistol is an alternative chopstick grip named after the hand gesture "finger pistol". It has two common variants: Shadow Rabbit and Flexed Middle.
Count-to-kehkuh is a cross between the Count-to-4 grip (a curled thumb) and the Vulcan Grip (bottom chopstick supported by pulp of the ring finger).