Last Updated on June 30, 2021 by Staff
Lateral Chick is a Lateral Classic variant that inherits many features from Chicken Claws. Yet it shares a great deal of finger dynamics with all chopstick grips in the largest grip family of them all, the Lateral chopstick grips. Lateral Chick is the launching pad from which all Lateral grips originate.
Among the large family of Lateral grips, we recognize three big branches, based on the swing classification of the movement of the top chopstick. They are: 1) classic swing, 2) sideway swing, and 3) underswing. Lateral Chick is the “type species” of Lateral “classic” variants.
Following is the stereotypical open posture of Lateral Chick seen from various angles.

As the type species variant, Lateral Chick is described in full in the Lateral Classic article. This short article only serves as a stub.
Taiwanese: 邊仔鷄爪
This grip is known as 邊仔鷄爪 (Piⁿ–a ke-jiáu) in Taiwanese.